SBP initiates reimbursements to depositors of defunct SME Bank


SBP initiates reimbursements to depositors of defunct SME Bank

The Deposit Protection Corporation (DPC), a subsidiary of the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), has initiated the reimbursement process for depositors of the defunct SME Bank, as revealed in the DPC's annual report released on Friday. The move aims to safeguard depositor interests and maintain stability in the financial system.

According to the 2022–2023 report, the DPC began reimbursing eligible depositors of SME Bank based on the Single Depositor View (SDV) database provided by SME Bank. This allowed the DPC to efficiently determine eligibility and facilitate payouts to depositors up to the protected amount.


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The report highlighted the pivotal role played by the SDV database in shortening the turnaround time for reimbursing eligible depositors. Payouts are executed based on claims received from SME Bank, and the protected deposit amount, up to Rs500,000, is claimed from the DPC and subsequently reimbursed to SME Bank after due verification.

While acknowledging the distress faced by depositors in the event of a small bank failure, the report emphasized that an efficient and well-functioning deposit insurance system serves as a crucial financial safety net.

The report emphasized the importance of meticulous planning, quick action, and clear communication by stakeholders, including the DPC, in ensuring the stability and integrity of the banking system. It acknowledged ongoing challenges in adapting to the ever-evolving landscape of financial products and economic conditions.


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The winding down plan for SME Bank was approved by the government last year due to insufficient capital and liquidity. The SBP declared SME Bank a failed institution in May 2023, leading to the DPC's public announcement for eligible depositors to claim their balances.

The DPC's report revealed that it provides deposit protection to over 98 percent of the total 73 million depositors in scheduled banks in Pakistan. It also noted a significant increase in deposits with DPC's member banks, reaching an all-time high of Rs25.6 trillion by the end of June 2023. However, the report highlighted a year-on-year deceleration in deposit mobilization during FY2023, attributed to factors such as macroeconomic uncertainty and a slowdown in foreign remittances.

As of June 30, 2023, the report indicated that a high percentage of total depositors in conventional and Islamic banking are eligible for deposit protection in case of a bank failure. The coverage percentages for eligible deposits underscore the distribution of deposits in Pakistan's banking industry, with a focus on protecting smaller and financially unsophisticated depositors.

Source: The News

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