Banks’ profits reach record high of Rs572 billion amid increased interest rates


Pakistan banks’ profits see meteoric rise 

Pakistan's listed banks have reported an extraordinary 86% increase in their net profits for the year ending December 2023, driving total earnings to an all-time high of Rs572 billion amidst a period of elevated interest rates in the country.

Despite economic slowdown and subdued industrial activities, banks managed to achieve unprecedented profitability.

According to Topline Securities’ research analyst Sunny Kumar, this remarkable profit surge was mainly propelled by a substantial rise in net interest income (NII) due to the high interest rate environment and robust balance sheet growth.

In US dollar terms, the profit of listed banks increased by 36% to $2 billion in 2023 compared to the previous year.


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In a recent report, economist Sana Tawfik from Arif Habib Limited highlighted that nearly all listed banks recorded historic high profits in the calendar year 2023. She attributed this significant profit growth (86% year-on-year) to policy rate hikes totaling 600 basis points, coupled with a considerable increase in deposits (over 24% in 2023 compared to 2022).

The surge in net profits was also supported by a 21% decrease in provisioning for bad loans and a 16% rise in non-interest income during the year.

Looking ahead, Tawfik anticipates a monetary easing cycle in the first half of 2024, leading to a decline in interest rates from the current record high of 22%. Despite this projected decline in sector net interest margins later in 2024, AHL remains optimistic about the overall profitability outlook. Factors such as the lagged re-pricing of assets versus funding costs, balance sheet expansion, sustained non-interest income, and reduced inflationary pressure are expected to support near-term earnings growth, with full-year CY24 earnings estimated to increase by 12%.


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However, potential challenges such as the implementation of IFRS-9 and the possibility of non-performing loans exceeding projections could dampen the sector's financial performance.

Last week, Moody's Investors Service upgraded Pakistan's banking sector outlook to stable (Caa3) from negative, citing solid profitability and stable funding and liquidity as key strengths to withstand macroeconomic challenges and political uncertainties.

Nevertheless, Moody's raised concerns about banks primarily lending depositor money to the government under high-interest rate and high inflation conditions, leaving limited funds for private sector lending, which is crucial for economic growth.


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Despite these challenges, Pakistani banks remain heavily exposed to the government through large holdings of government securities, accounting for around half of total banking assets.

Furthermore, financial inclusion initiatives and remittances from non-resident Pakistanis continue to drive domestic deposit inflows, with customer deposits accounting for 58% of total assets as of September 2023.

In summary, 2023 witnessed exceptional performance in the banking sector, marked by significant profit growth, increased dividends, and strong price performance, outpacing the broader stock market index. Customer deposits also experienced robust growth, attributed to remittances and government borrowing from local banks.

Source: Express Tribune

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